Edgar Allan Poe's poem "The Raven" – cinematically visualized and interpreted by Hannes Rall – rises from the unfolding drawings like a bouquet of mourning and passions. Certainly neither the poet nor the film-artist felt his creative wings clipped by the somewhat modest myth of a raven bringing the author the message that his beloved is dead. But perhaps the film-maker was thinking of one of those still, enchanted winter nights with backlit, empty fields still dappled with traces of snow, and the raven folk beaking their stories of how Edgar Allan Poe suffered over lost Leonore. We see their shining black plumage again in the woodcut-style drawings, sharp against the white background. The expressive graphics and brilliant animation give the film its intense atmosphere.

Screenplay, animation, direction

8.10 min.
animation, Indian ink on paper, 35 mm
by Hans Paetsch
Hannes Rall
Eckart Gadow

"Der Rabe" is a visual interpretation of Edgar Allan Poe's poem "The Raven". A lonely man mourning his lost love has a strange visit in the middle of the night. "Quoth the Raven, 'Nevermore!'"

The "German Animated Film" exhibition and the screenings recontribute to presenting German culture, and above all the successful animated film business, internationally – this specifically cinematic art, which has often attracted more international acclaim than full-length films.
The presentation has evolved into a significant, manifold artistic overview of German animation film authors, ranging from classic animation techniques to computer technology. The combination of media presentation and the exhibition of artistic material offers an insight into how the films are made, as well as the aesthetic experience.

It is soon clear what an extraordinary degree of concentration is needed for an animation artist to create a film. This cinematic form cannot afford to waste a second or create a superfluous image, because every moment, image by image, has to be created manually or electronically, at a minimum of 12 frames per second.
When we look at the films in this show, we are aware of a panorama of private myths, of world angst, criticism of the age, of politics and art. The archives of life and personal experience always produced rich pickings for film stories.

Hannes Rall: Der Rabe, 1999

2004 Teheran


08.09. - 23.09.
05.10. - 26.10.
10.12. - 30.12.
Tehran Museum of
Contemporary Art (TMCA)
Goethe Institute Gallery
Egyptian Opera House, Metrogalerie
Goethe Institute
2005 Damaskus
German Cultural Center Temeswar
Presentation of the Films (without exhibition)
Tel Aviv
During this time presentation of the films in the cinemateques Haifa, Jerusalem and Sderot, too
German-Polish Year: Festival of Animated Films in Ostrow Wielkopolski
(Poland) Presentation of the films (without exhibition)

30.01. - 24.02.
07.04. - 19.04.
16.04- 22. 04.

24.07. - 31.08.

09.11. - 11.11.

06.10. - 25.10.
06.10. - 25.10.

09.12. - 18.12.
Goethe Institute
Académie Libanaise des Beaux-Arts
café kultour


PIK-Centrum Ostrow

Seika Art Academy
Umeda Sky Building - during the Osaka European Film Festival
Setagaya Culture
Life Information Centre
2006 Shibuya, Tokyo
Presentation of the films (without exhibition) during the Osaka European Film Festival


German Days in Sarajewo: Presentation of the films (without exhibition)
Day of the Open Doors in Stuttgart
Presentation of the Films (without exhibition)
Follow-up project of
the Goethe-Institut Kuala Lumpur with
Hassan Muthalib, malayan Film Animator
Presentation of the Films
(without exhibition)
21.01. - 10.02.

17.02. - 27.02.

05. - 27. Mai

June 06

22. Juli

19.09. – 02.10.
26. 10. – 16.11.
New Cinema Theatre

Bangkok International
Film Festival
Muzium dan Galeri
Seni Universiti Sains Malaysia (Museum
and Art Gallery)
Obala Meeting
Point Kino
Lecture room of the Institute for Foreign
Cultural Relations (ifa), Stuttgart
In Colleges and Universities in Kuala Lumpur e.g. Multi-Media-University

Goethe Institute
Goethe Institute
2007 Jakarta
13.01. – 02.02.
09.04. – 30.04.
19.10. – 26.10.
25.11.07 – 10.02. 08
Galeri Cipta II
National Museum
St. Paul’s Street Gallery
Pataka Museum
2008 Wellington-Porirua
Tour through Romania:
- 10.02.08
03.07. – 27.07.

18.10. - ?
Pataka Museum
Art Museum

University for Art and Design
ARTLABS – Centre for digital Art and Technology
2009 Temeswar/Timisoara January Art Museum